The day started to look up again as Dad put on the mobi wrap, which always means that we are going for a walk. I figure that this was going to be pretty good timing, because Dad normally goes for about a 30 minute walk, which would be right about the time I could use some more milk. But little did I know he was walking to the doctors office for my next round of shots.
I was on my best behavior, but I was really starting to get hungry. They were running a little behind and just when I thought I couldn't wait any longer, the nurse came in. He first gave me the Rota-virus, which is an oral dose. The sweetness managed to take the edge off my hunger, but I wanted to get home. Next was the DTap, which is a really painful shot in the leg. Let's just say I couldn't take anymore and Dad quickly whisked me away.
The walk back home was quite enjoyable. I was feeling so wiped out that I fell asleep before we got home, and I woke up in Mom and Dad's bed feeling like I hadn't eaten in days. Dad brought me my normal 4 ounces, but I told him I needed another 2. I think I could of had another 4, but I didn't want to feel too full.
Later night, Zachary, a friend from my PEPS group, stopped by to play while his parents went to dinner. I was feeling so drained from the shots, I barely got any time to play with him. I think I zonked out around 7pm. I wish I could have played more, but that wasn't the finally kicker. Again, I woke up to the whir of Mom's pump. I was too tired to complain, so I just ate as much as I could be for falling asleep for the night.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
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