July 30, 2011. Dustin is 2 weeks old. A very tiny baby! |
August 28th, 2011. Dustin is 1 month and 2 weeks old. He is getting thicker. This was a challenging week. |
Sept 26th, 2011. Dustin is 2 months, 1 week old. The bear is shrinking! |
Oct 31, 2011. Dustin is 3 months and 2 weeks old. Toes are good toys that you cannot drop. |
Nov 12, 2011. Dustin is almost 4 months old. He starts to interact with the bear. |
Dec 4, 2011. Dustin is 4 months, 3 weeks old. What a cutie! |
Jan 27, 2012. Dustin is 6 months, 1 week old. He is pulling up to standing, but not crawling yet. |
Feb 8, 2012. Dustin is 6 months, 3 weeks. He is starting to crawl away from the scene! |
Mar 19, 2012. Dustin is 8 months old. The table helps him stay put for the photo shoot. |
Apr 6, 2012. Dustin is 8 months, 3 weeks old. Dustin was in constant pursuit of the camera. |
May 19, 2012. Dustin is 10 months old. He stole my bratwurst while I wasn't looking! (we missed the photo shoot in May.) |
June 29, 2012. Dustin is 11 months, 2 weeks old. Keeping him stationary is nigh impossible. |
Jul 9, 2012. Dustin is 11 months, 3 weeks old. |
July 16, 2012. Dustin is 1 year old! Daddy is demonstrating proper candle-blowing technique. |
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