Saturday, September 29, 2012

Did You Know?

Noses or should I say nostrils are amazing things.  Did you know that your nostrils are the exact same size as your index finger through out your life?  The bigger question is whether or not this happens naturally or because we shove our fingers up there when we are kids.  Dustin is demonstrating that it works with both hands.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Splish Splash

I (mom) love to swim.  I like the cool feeling of the water, being weightless, and splashing about.  So of course I project this onto Dustin, and claim that he really loves to swim, too.  In honesty, sometimes he likes it, and sometimes he gets a little fussy.  However, I make sure to have a ton of fun while swimming, because I feel that rubs off on him, and it would be so much fun to have a kid who loves the water as much as I do.  

Aunt Jenny, Uncle Todd, and cousins Abby and Mitchell came to visit in August, and we took a trip to the pool on one of the hottest days in Portland this year.  It was 102F outside!  Here's some fun pics from the pool.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lopez Juggling Festival

My favorite event almost didn't happen this year.  Or, shall I say that we almost didn't make it.  Since we moved down to Portland, the trip up to Lopez island has become much more of an undertaking.  Driving 6 hours with a Toddler can be a nightmare, and that is why you pray that he will sleep in the car.  Otherwise that 6-hour trip might turn into a 12-hour trip with stops every hour or so.

But that wasn't the hardship that we had this year.  Dustin decided to get sick the week before the trip, and not the standard runny-nose that all toddlers get.  Dustin had a fever, which meant that he stayed home from day care and spent many long nights unable to get comfortable.  Jessica and I were both looking forward to this trip, but the struggles over the week had us rethinking this plan.

We planned to drive up to Seattle on Thursday night, and finish the trip on Friday.  Remember the 6 hours turning into 12.   But Dustin was just not up for it, and we decided to cancel the trip on Thursday night.  We were sad, but we hoped the weekend would still be fun in Portland.

The next morning we woke up at 7am.  This was a god send considering that we didn't wake up once all night.  Dustin wasn't even up yet.  Something was going on, and then we heard Dustin.  He was just happily playing in his crib, and Jessica and I looked at each with the same thought, "Load up the car, we're going".  Sure enough, by 9am we were out the door.  Okay it was 10, but give us credit for getting out the door that quick.

The weekend went off without a hitch.  Dustin slept most of the way on the drives both there and back.  He loved watching all the juggling and running around playing with all the other kids.  I got my juggling in, and mom got to be mom without a fussy baby.  And the food ... what more can be said?