It seems more and more that Dustin is giving me the "Look at me, Dad!" look. He is just progressing so quickly and seems to be doing new things daily. Just look at these two pictures, and you'll understand what I mean.
Just this past week I went to day care to pick him up and there he was standing on his own. Cheryl, his teacher, says she didn't put him there, so he must have pulled himself up. It just seems like he is ready to walk, but I keep hoping that he will crawl. They say crawling is so beneficial to brain development that I just don't want him to skip it.

In the same week, we decided to try out the cart seat rather than bring in the car seat. He seemed so excited to be sitting up rather than laying back. I guess the ceiling in stores can get quite boring, but all the colorful jars kept him mesmerized. A couple of times we needed to catch him as he tried to lunge for something interesting. Now, I understand what the little straps are for.
Jeffrey, you are becoming a very good writer. Who would have thought, huh? :)