I managed to nudge Dustin awake and take him to the bathroom for his morning pee and poop. I then got him dressed and brought him down stairs to a busy house. People were cooking breakfast, playing with Audrey and Ansel, and others were drinking their morning coffee. Jessica noticed that everyone was awake, so she insisted that we start taking family pictures since all the kids were happy. We got most of the way through them before the kids started to breakdown, which meant we had a little amount of time before complete melt down.
This meant it was present time. We brought most of the presents out before Audrey tore into her first one. The gift fest was underway. Dustin was again more interested in the wrapping paper then the gifts inside. Vanessa had the best ribbon on her gift, which kept Dustin mesmerized for a few minutes while Jessica and I opened our presents. Again it took us a while but we managed to get Dustin to play with the toys not just the wrapping.

Later in the day, we took Dustin to play in the snow for the first time. He first walked around with Grandpa Roddy while Jessica and I skated on the Kleiss pond. We then brought Dustin onto the pond. There were a couple of places on the pond where the snow wasn't cleared. I sat Dustin down in the snow for the first time. He seemed quite interested in the a snow ball right in front of him. He couldn't grab it, so I picked it up for him to see. He quickly dove to put it in his mouth. I thought he wouldn't like the cold, but I was wrong. He munched on the snow like a champ for a good 5 minutes before getting to cold and started crying.
I would say this was a great first Christmas, and we will all be sad to have to leave all the family. We can't wait to see them again.
That is a great picture of you and Dustin, Jeffrey. :)