We put a bib around Dustin nearly full-time now, as he is an artesian well of drool. He seems inconsolably fussy sometimes, and we have started to employ the catch-all scapegoat of, "well, he must be teething."
He also has become a tumbler! He mastered rolling from his back to his tummy over a month ago (see post from November 18th). Now he has developed a method to "scoot" around on a mattress or blanket. He basically works like an inch-worm. Starting on his tummy, I think that he wants to stand up so bad, that he walks his legs up as far as they will go, thrusting his bottom up into the air, and his head and hands downward into the mattress.
It's like a downward-dog yoga position. All that vertical potential energy may then flop to one side or the other. If his arm is tucked under his body, he rolls (falls) over from belly to back. This roll seems to catch him off-guard, as he usually looks very surprised to be suddenly on his back again. If there is enough friction beneath his feet, he'll collapse down, and inch forward a bit. He is also doing the "revving up" that many babies do before
crawling: he will be on his hands and knees, and rock forwards and backwards, usually fussing. The arms generally collapse out first, or the legs become over-ambitious and run him back up to a downward-dog position.
His awareness of food is exploding! He has wanted to put everything in his mouth for a while now, leaving a slobbery path to mark where ever he
has been. Now he will reach for any drink I am drinking, and want to put the lip of the cup up to his lips. He grabs for forks, spoons, and dinner foods. When we give him something to put in his mouth, he seems to enjoy it, move it around his mouth, and then eventually spit it out.
In light of all these changes, his nighttime sleep has taken a plunge. The last 3 nights at grandma Kleiss's and 2 nights here in Portland have been tough. Maybe its teething pain. He is practicing his acrobatics in his sleep, which awakens him and drives him into the crib walls. He has returned to waking during the night up to 5 times. This is much harder on me now that I am at work, and not able to stay at home and catch up with naps with him during the day.
Stay tuned for the conclusion of all of these developments!
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