Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Yesterday, Dustin and I got a membership at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). On our way to the there, Dustin decided to take a nap, which meant that I spent 30 minutes in the parking lot waiting for him to wake up. This was a good thing, because it meant that Dustin was wide awake and ready to play.

It took us a little while to set everything up, which Dustin found quite boring and let us know it. Fussing definitely has an ability to move things along. The fussing quickly went away as we entered the first area. It was oriented more towards the older patrons, but he was quite happy looking at all the colorful signs. But anytime time Daddy started reading any of the exhibits, Dustin insisted that we move along.

Next we found the play area which was teaming with kids. We knew that we found our place. We slowly wandered through the room, and Dustin was as interested in all the toys as with the kids playing with them. We settled into the 0-24 month area, where Dustin was amazed by the red grid hanging from the ceiling.

We ended up spending 2 hours there. Dustin wasn't ready to go, but I could tell he was in need of a nap. Sure enough, as soon as we started driving, Dustin fell asleep. I'm sure he's dreaming about all the things he saw.

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